Registration and Cancellation Policy

Method of payment:

After online registration, you will receive an email with payment instructions. Payment will have to be made by wire transfer.

Registration policy:

Registration fees represent the cost of a single pass per person. Sharing passes is not allowed.

Registration confirmation:

Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of your payment.

Cancellation policy:

An online registration, payment of the registration fees and email confirmation constitute binding agreement between two parties. Registration fees are not refundable. No refunds are given for no-shows or cancellations. You may substitute for another person from your firm or company if you are unable to attend the conference. All substitution requests should be sent to by 12:00 CET, October 31, 2024. The conference agenda is subject to change.

Privacy notice:

This Privacy Policy describes ISIORT policies and practices regarding its collection and use of your personal data, and sets forth your privacy rights.


ISIORT will be taking photographs and video in public areas of the conference (session rooms, exhibit hall, etc.). We may use such media in marketing materials, educational products and publications. Your image and the sound of your voice may be recorded. If you are identified during the recording, or identify yourself by name, that information may be included in our materials. Recordings may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed.


A name badge is required to gain access to conference sessions and networking.

Please note: the views and opinions expressed in sessions are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the ISIORT.